The Plant a Seed Inspire a Dream Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity based in Yardley, recently awarded its 630th and 631st scholarships. The organization helps children between the ages of 10 and 18 pursue their passions by connecting them with positive role models who encourage and mentor their dreams. Pictured in the photo are, from left, college intern Angela McGovern, scholarship winners Vincent and Marsilio Tufo, and Plant a Seed...

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When facing a personal challenge like leaving all your friends behind and starting at a new school or dealing with your parents divorce, it helps to immerse yourself in a new activity or hobby. That was the case with 15-year-old Chase Wallace of Makefield. With the help of Plant a Seed Foundation, Chase was able to enroll in Muay Thai training at MPR Endurance in Langhorne which gave him the confidence to overcome social conflicts and...

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