Plant a Seed has given me the opportunity to go to karate for 2 years. Being in karate has helped me to overcome my attention deficit hyper active disorder. It has also helped me with my low self esteem. I went for a couple of months and my mom couldn’t afford the lessons anymore so I had to quit. I always wanted to go back. Then my mom was given info about the Plant a Seed scholarship and the opportunity to go opened up again....

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Thank you for all you have done and for helping me live my dream! Thank you for helping me with my costumes and most of all for being there for someone who loves to dance! Thank you sooooooooo much!! I hope you help other young dancers like me! Without you I wouldn’t have dance.

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I want to thank you for your assistance throughout the season with Cheer Elite. Cha-Tika & Naieta appreciate your help with their uniforms as well. They were able to attend 3 successful competitions along with other local performances My girls embarked on a bitter sweet life learning experience while working on team building and establishing other challenging skills such as tumbling, dance choreography and cheer. If we...

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This evening Jade completed her first “year” of gymnastics. I can’t thank you enough for the generosity Plant A Seed has bestowed upon my daughter. During her time at Delco Training Center, I had the privilege of watching my daughter blossom. She gained some much needed confidence in herself as a person, her appearance, her abilities, and even in her academics. She now walks with her head up high and is more willing to try...

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Hello, my name is Khayyiel and you guys have just opened up a new door for me. I have always wanted to have dance lessons ever since I was little. I have danced in many talent shows and joined other activities that have had dancing in them but never thought it was enough. I have a talent for dancing and I have been told that I have a gift. I am very passionate about dancing and have always been. When my mother told me that I was going...

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