Scholarship Application

Criteria for Scholarship

Please make sure all criteria are met before submitting a scholarship or renewal.

  1. Strong passion in a specific area of interest
  2. Child must be between the ages of 10 and 18
  3. Financial need
  4. Limited involvement in activities outside of school
  5. Must be able to provide transportation
  6. Must demonstrate commitment (i.e., return phone calls in a timely fashion, furnish necessary documentation, consistent attendance in regard to the activity)
  7. Completed application, signed waiver, and criteria checklist
  8. Child must complete the section of the application regarding his/her passion, in their own words
  9. Summer camps are not considered for PAS scholarships
1Scholarship Application
2Recipient Response
5Sign and Complete
  • Student Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Tell Us About Yourself

    Please have the application fill out this section to the best of his/her ability. If the application is unable, parent/gaurdian may fill in sections as applicant verbalizes answers.
  • Parent/Guardian Information

    If living with only one parent, please choose "Other" and specify which
  • Household Information

  • You may be asked to provide financial statements
  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
    Please upload verification of income, such as a W2. Applications without proof of income will not be processed.
  • Referrals

  • By signing on the last page of this application, I certify that all preceding information is true AND that I will never use this activity as a form of reward or punishment. I have transportation and will make a commitment that my child will attend this activity on a consistent basis.